Setting Up Active Directory via the Advanced Domains Method

1. Verify AD information because, after you enable AD integration, logon name and domain are imported to Ektron CMS400.NET.

2. If your Active Directory forest has multiple domains, decide if you want Ektron CMS400.NET to reference the listed domains or if you want to choose a specific one. (You will use this when completing the Domain field of the Active Directory Setup Screen.)

3. Edit the Web.config file.

- Set ek_ADEnabled to true. It should look like this:

<add key="ek_ADEnabled" value="true"/>

- Set ekADAdvanced to true. It should look like this:

<add key="ekADAdvancedconfig" value="true"/>

- Set ek_AUTH_Protocol to LDAP. It should look like this:

<add key="ek_AUTH_Protocol" value="LDAP"/>

Note: LDAP or GC are acceptable values for this property. LDAP is recommended.

- Set Identity impersonate to false. It should look like this:

<Identity impersonate= “false”

Note: When using the Advanced Domains Method, the domains screen's credentials are used.

4. Set up your domains on the Edit Domains screen. See The Edit Domains Screen.

5. Configure the AD setup page. See The Active Directory Setup Screen.

6. Assign AD groups to Ektron CMS400.NET user groups. See Importing AD User Groups to Ektron CMS400.NET.

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